Contact Us
Looking for Help?
Visit our help center for answers to most questions.
Phone: 800-997-8516
Problems Logging In? Need to Update your address?
Call the Registry:
- If you are having issues logging in and/or are prompted to contact the Registry.
- If your personal information is locked. You cannot update your address through email or the form below.
- We cannot assist you with the login process through email or the form below.
Submitting Documents
The Registry does not accept paper documents.
The following documents must be sent by email to Include a subject line and a message in the email, with your name and phone number.
- Higher education (sent directly to the Registry from the issuing institution or eScript service)
- Certificates and credentials
- CDA Credentials
- Teaching License
NOTE: If you were unable to find your answers in the Help Center, please use the form below.