Early Childhood Licensing Specialist

Licensing is the starting point for child care quality in our state. As an Early Childhood Licensing Specialist, you need access to view individual records and verify annual training completion. The Registry, as part of the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services (ND DHHS), provides quick and easy access to the information you need.

ND DHHS has designated the Registry as the state system for approving, tracking, and reporting training that is accepted for licensing. The Registry helps Early Childhood Licensing Specialists simplify the license renewal process with easy online access to special reports designed just for Early Childhood Licensing Specialists, searchable by program license number and date range.

The Registry tracks informal training as well as formal education (for college credit) that applies toward licensing. Only verified and approved training and education is reported on an individual’s Learning Record.

Quickly find staff training records for a program and verify that licensing requirements have been met all from one central login just for Early Childhood Licensing Specialists.

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