
Showcase your expertise and promote your training by becoming a Registry approved trainer. Quality training depends on knowledgeable, dynamic trainers. The Registry administers a statewide approval system for trainers who deliver Level 2 training to the early childhood workforce. Note that individuals who wish to deliver Level 1 training do not need to be pre-approved.

The first step in becoming an approved trainer is to join the Growing Futures Registry as a member (PDF, 373.17 KB) and complete your membership profile. The membership profile includes submitting verification of education and professional qualifications as well as employment history. The trainer application includes additional information such as your resume, letters of recommendation, and all credentials and certifications related to the training topics you wish to present. To be approved, you must show that you have experience presenting training in the past two years. You must also agree to the terms of the Trainer Agreement.

Trainer Levels

Trainer levels correspond to training levels. There are three training levels in the Registry approval system though only Level 1 and Level 2 are pre-approved by the Registry.

Level 1 Training

No Pre-Approval Required

For Level 1 Basic Licensing training, the trainer does not need to be a Registry approved trainer.

Trainers for this level of training are typically occasional trainers who have professional expertise in a field unrelated to early care and education (e.g. tax preparers, first responders, health care, etc.). They may also be one-time conference keynotes or presenters. Trainers for Level 1 training must be currently employed in a professional capacity in the field related to the training content. The name and qualifications of a Level 1 trainer is submitted as part of the application for the training itself, and the trainer is approved on a training-by-training basis. The Registry does not keep records of these trainers.

Level 2 Training

Must be Pre-Approved

For Level 2 Professional Training, the trainer must be pre-approved as an Early Childhood Instructor or Content Specialist. These trainers are approved for a period of 24 months and renewal is required to continue to provide Level 2 training.

Early Childhood Instructors

This designation requires that the trainer be a member of the Registry, with a Career Pathways placement of Category G-J. In addition, they must have direct care experience with children ages birth to eight, have a current resume or CV on file with the Registry and provide professional references. These trainers must provide verifiable documentation of their experience presenting to adult learners.

Content Specialist

Content Specialist trainers must be members of the Registry but are not required to have a Career Pathways placement. They must have verified education and/or certificate in the content are or curriculum they train, and they are required to have a current resume or CV on file, including professional references. They are not required to have experience in an early childhood setting, but they must have professional experience in their field. Content Specialists are approved to train in their area of specialization only.

Trainer Agreement

As part of the trainer approval process, all trainers must sign the Trainer Agreement. The Registry reserves the right to remove approval status from any trainer who is found to be in violation of the agreement terms and conditions.